Admissions » Important Dates for Prospective RGS Students

Important Dates for Prospective RGS Students

The Rio Grande School early childhood education program focuses on the child as an active, competent learner and recognizes the family’s important role in supporting this vision. Daily life in school is rich in experiences that draw on the student’s abilities and interests while stimulating new learning and curiosity. Attention to the growth and development of each child and family is a hallmark of the Early Childhood Program, one that forges strong relationships.
Important Dates for the 24-25 Academic Year
Early Childhood and Kindergarten applications are due January 12th; waitlists and rolling admissions are available for any applications that come in after January 12th.
Rolling Admission decisions for 1st through 6th Grade (decisions won't be made until after February 15th) Admissions Committee meets every two weeks.
• EC/K new applications due January 12th
• All Tuition Assistance Applications due February 2nd 
• EC/K Visit Day January 26th
• EC/K Decisions/Meeting February 1st
• Tuition Assistance decisions made and emailed February 15th (Contracts will include Tuition Assistance awards)
• Tuition Assistance appeals through February 23rd
• All contracts due back March 1st