Tuesdays 3:30-4:30
The goal of our multi-week Improv4Schools program is to teach core improv skills to a group of young people who can then apply those skills in their daily lives. Improv teaches skills such as listening, being present, acceptance, and readiness for anything. These portable skills are learned almost immediately through improv. Studies indicate that improv reduces anxiety and increases coping mechanisms. Santa Fe Improv wishes to bring the gift of improv to the Santa Fe community at large. While improv students learn social, emotional, and executive function skills, improv doesn’t feel like school – it’s just a new way to play and have fun.
Each workshop will focus on a foundational technique in improv, these basic elements include:
● Saying Yes---radical agreement
● Saying And: Building on the choices of others while still making strong individual choices
● Emotional and Point of view work
● Psychological flexibility
● Group mind (teamwork and ensemble building)
The class will follow the same structure each week:
1. A group share
2. Physical/cognitive warmup
3. An improv game
4. Guided scene work
5. Cool downs
Cost: $210, no materials fee